Akita is proud to work with some of the nation’s leading businesses, universities, and government agencies, including:

DARPA – Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency – Akita has been funded by the DARPA Biological Technologies Office to develop voltage-sensitive fluorescent dyes and absorbing dyes for cytokine sensors.

DTRA – Defense Threat Reduction Agency – Akita has been funded by DTRA to test semipermeable membranes and to develop encapsulated oxidizer microparticles for biocidal thermites.

U.S. Army – Akita has been funded by the Army to develop next-generation antifog coatings for protective eyewear and to develop novel binders for energetic materials to prevent surface contamination of equipment.

NIOSH – Akita has been funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health to develop sensors for airborne coal dust in underground coal mines.

Revision Military Technologies and Revision Military, Ltd. – Akita supplies Revision with chemicals for use in protective eyewear.

FLIR Systems – Akita supplies FLIR with custom chemicals for use in products for the detection of hazardous substances.

Southwest Research Institute – Akita works with SwRI on production of engineered microparticles.

Tufts University – Akita works with Tufts on development of fluorescent dyes for use in cell biology and neurology research.

Northeastern University – Akita has worked with Northeastern University on development of nanosensors for proteins and other compounds of biological interest.

Massachusetts Life Sciences Center – Akita has been funded by MLSC to commercialize fluorescent dyes under MLSC’s Milestone Achievement Program.

MassVentures – Akita has won an award from MassVentures, a Massachusetts State agency, to begin commercialization of antifog and anticontamination coatings for optics, under their START program.

NAC – National Armaments Consortium – Akita Innovations is a member of the National Armaments Consortium (NAC), a group of over 340 companies and universities working together with the Department of Defense to enhance our Warfighter’s lethality, survivability and combat effectiveness. Working with the DoD Ordinance Technology Consortium (DOTC), NAC facilitates industrial and academic research, as well as development and technology demonstrations needed to advance and expand our military technological superiority.